
Just about every process in the schools can be overwhelming and confusing at times. Whether you’re a parent concerned about your child’s school performance and don’t know who to talk to or how to communicate your concerns, or, you’re trying to navigate the special education or Section 504 process, we’re here to help. We are well versed in how schools operate and various processes and procedures. We take the time to walk you through everything step-by-step so you feel informed, supported, and empowered to make the best decision. As you navigate school processes with our guidance, our goal will always be for you to build and maintain a positive and collaborative relationship with the school.

Consultation services can be conducted virtually or in-person.

  • In public education, anyone, including a parent, can suspect a disability. Taking this first step can be intimidating, but we will support you each step of the way. When you suspect a disability, a legal timeline starts for the school and a process begins.

  • In order to determine whether a student has a disability, a Multifactored Evaluation (MFE) must take place. This is chaired by a school psychologist at the school and completed by a team of school professionals. From the time consent is signed by a parent, the school has 60 calendar days to complete the evaluation. The Evaluation Team Report (ETR) summarizes the results of the MFE. If the student is found eligible for special education, the ETR is the foundation for development of the special education document (Individualized Education Program - IEP). The IEP, written within 30 days of determining the student eligible, documents the student’s needs, measurable goals, specially designed instruction, and accommodations.

    The process is very involved and can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in. We want you to feel fully informed and confident throughout.

    We review school records as part of the consultative process.

  • Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal law that prohibits qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability. This process may be started if special education isn’t suspected, or if found ineligible for special education following an MFE. The team may consider a Section 504 Plan in order to provide the student with classroom and testing accommodations. A Section 504 Plan may also be implemented for medical/health reasons.

    At the post-secondary level, 504 Plans are honored at colleges and universities.

  • We consult on just about anything and everything related to schools, learning, mental health, parenting strategies, and treatment and intervention. Contact us so we can help!

Consultation fees are a flat rate of $175/hour. Fees are due at the time of service.

Payment Methods: cash, check, credit card, ACH bank transfer, Health Savings Account/Flex Spending Account

Note: we are unable to take Care Credit as a method of payment.